
Mãe de trigêmeos manda a real sobre seu transtorno de ansiedade em série

"Eu, meu trio e Xanax" - Reprodução/Instagram
"Eu, meu trio e Xanax" Imagem: Reprodução/Instagram

Da Universa

05/10/2018 11h24

Desiree Fortin ainda se lembra de seu primeiro ataque de pânico, quando seus trigêmeos tinham 3 meses de vida. "Me senti envergonhada, frustrada e desapontada", disse ao dar início à série #ConfessionsoftheAnxiousMama (Confissões de uma Mãe Ansiosa).

Desde janeiro de 2018, a blogueira posta em seu Instagram relatos de como é sua luta contra o transtorno da ansiedade ao lado das crianças e inspira outras mães a conversarem sobre o tema sem pressões e tabus.

Veja também

Ao lado de fotos com uma plaquinha em que fala sobre o tema do dia, ela posta textos (em inglês) sobre a luta diária.

I remember my first panic attack like it was yesterday. The triplets were 3 months old and the sleep deprivation was sucking the life out of me. I was so ashamed of myself for not loving this new season of motherhood, something I desired and longed for so deeply. If you have experienced a panic attack before you know it can onset pretty quickly. I laid sobbing on my bathroom floor, trembling and sweating all over. Tears uncontrollably flowing down my cheeks while my husband cradled me in his arms. I could barely breathe. I felt like a failure. My postpartum anxiety and depression was crippling me. I had no clue what I was doing with my 3 tiny infants (for the record, I still don't have a clue what I am doing). I knew I needed help. I knew I needed to make a change. The months went by and we made the changes needed to help me through the season. I went on medication and hired a mommy helper. You do what you need to do. I was eventually able to go off the medication I was prescribed... Until my kids turned 2 and I found myself spiraling down the whole again. I was so frustrated to see myself falling into this season of anxiety again. But I knew the steps I needed to take in order to help me face my anxiety struggles and be a good mom at the same time. I went back on my meds. Fast forward to January 2018. New year, new me. I felt like I had been doing so much better with my anxiety. I felt more calm and collected and hadn't had an anxiety attack in months. For now, I will spare you with the details, but I made the choice to go off my anxiety meds. In so many words, it was a bad idea. I was a loose cannon with very little patients. I felt so ashamed of myself. I realized I made a premature decision to go off my meds. I just wasn't ready. Embarrassed. Frustrated. Disappointed. I can see now that I'm just a Mom trying to be healthy for her family. Being on anxiety meds doesn't make you a failure. It makes you a human being who is trying to be the best she can be. Being a Mom is so hard. Sometimes you have to do hard things to be a better you. We have to stick together Mamas and know we aren't alone. New series: #ConfessionsoftheAnxiousMama

Uma publicação compartilhada por Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom)


"Precisamos ficar juntas, mamães, e sabermos que não estamos sozinhas", diz.

Veja algumas das confissões:

"Eu odiei amamentar"

"Eu não preciso fazer xixi, só preciso de um intervalo"

"Tomo medicamentos para ansiedade, ainda sou uma boa mãe"